North Tyneside General Hospital, Rake Lane
Hospital Chaplaincy
If you are going into North Tyneside General Hospital, this may be a useful contact number for family and friends – Father Stephen Watson is the Catholic Hospital Chaplain who can be contacted on 0844 811 8111 (extension 4268) or direct to the Chaplaincy 0191 293 4268.
Remember it is now your responsibility to contact the chaplain if you require a visit or the sacraments whilst in hospital as Chaplains no longer automatically receive the denominational records of patients.
Further information is available on the Hospitals’ website
Freeman Hospital and Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI)
The priest at St. Andrew’s, Worswick Street, Newcastle, has the care of patients in the Freeman and Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI) hospitals as well as the care of the elderly in the old Newcastle General Hospital.
When you are admitted to hospital you are asked your religious denomination. This may lead you to think that the Chaplain will be informed. However, due to the requirements of the Data Protection Act, this information cannot be passed on to us.
There are a number of ways you can contact the hospital Chaplain:
‘Care of The Elderly’ in Newcastle General Hospital has its own Chaplain, Sister Teresa, and you can contact her by phoning 0191 233 6161 and asking for extension 28465.
- Ask the Ward Sister to page the Roman Catholic Chaplain to arrange a visit
- Ring St. Andrew’s R.C., Worswick Street, Newcastle on 0191 232 1892 and leave a message on the answer machine
- Inform us before you go into hospital
- Get a relative, friend or neighbour to inform us
- If you wish to see the Chaplain urgently, do not leave a message on the answer machine, ask the Ward Sister to page the Roman Catholic Chaplain
Further information is available on the Freeman Hospital website or the RVI hospital website